Yuval Elovici
Journal Papers
- Azri, H., Elovici, Y. and Hersch, R. D., “Multiple Interfaces Message Passing System for Transputer Network”, Microprocessing and Microprogramming (continued as Journal of Systems architecture), 34, 1992, 237-242.
- Azri, H. and Elovici, Y., “Modeling and evolution of A new message-passing system for parallel multiprocessor systems”. Parallel Computing, 19, 1993, 633-649.
- Ahituv, N. and Elovici, Y., “Performance Evolution of Distributed application”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 52, 2001, 916-927.
- Elovici, Y., Shapir, B. and Kantor, P., “Using the Information Structure Model to Compare Profile-Based Information Filtering Systems”, Information Retrieval Journal 6(1), 2002, 75-97.
- Elovici, Y., Brh, D., “Decision-Theoretic approach to Data Mining”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Mn, and Cybernetics Part : Systems and Humans, 33(1), 2003, 42-51.
- Elovici, Y., Glezer, C., “Anonymity Enhancing Technologies (ET): Opportunities and Threats”, Journal of information Warfare, 3(3), 49-62, 2004.
- Elovici, Y., Kandel, A., Last, M., Shapir, B., Zafarny, O., “Using data Mining Techniques for Detecting Terror-related activities on the Web”, Journal of information Warfare, 3(1), 2004, 17-28.
- Shapir, B., Elovici, Y., Meshiach, A., Kuflik, T., “PRW –A Privacy Model for the Web”, Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology (JSIST), 56(2), 2005, 159-172.
- Elovici, Y., Glezer, C., Shapir, B., “Enhancing costumer privacy while searching for products and services on the World Wide Web”, Internet Research, 15(4), 2005, 378-399.
- Elovici, Y., Shapir, B., Kantor, P., “Decision Theoretic approach to Combining information Filters: Analytical and Empirical Evolution”, Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology (JSIST), 57(3), 2006, 306-320.
- Elovici, Y., Shapir, B., Meshiach, A., “Cluster-analysis Against a Private Web Solution (PRW)”, Online information Review, 30(6), 2006, 624-643.
- Brh, D., Elovici, Y., Last, M., “Theory of Actionable data Mining with Application to Semiconductor Manufacturing Control”, International Journal of Production Research, 45(13), 2007, 3059-3084.
- Elovici, Y., Ben-Shimol, Y., Alon, G., “Evasive Routing: Achieving Anonymity Using Multiple ISPs”, Journal of Internet Technology, 8(1), 2007, 83-96.
- Melamed, D., Shapir, B., Elovici, Y., “MrCol – Market-based Recommender System”. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 22(3), 2007, 74-78.
- Puzis, R., Elovici, Y., Dolev, S., “Finding the Most Prominent Group in Complex Networks”,AI Communications, 20 (4), 2007, 287-296.
- Puzis, R., Elovici, Y., Dolev, S., “Fast Algorithm for Successive Group Betweenness Centrality Computation”, Physical Review E, 76(056709), 2007, 1-9.
- Moskovitch, R., Elovici, Y., Rokach, L., “Detection of Unknown Computer Worms Based On Behavioral Classification of the Host”, Computational and data Analysis, 52(9), 2008, 4544-456.
- Puzis, R., Yagil, D., Elovici, Y., Brh, D., “Collaborative Attack on Internet Users’ Anonymity”, Internet Research, 19 (1), 2009, 60-77.
- Menahem, E., Shabtai, A. Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., “Improving Malware Detection by Applying Multi-Inducer Ensemble”, Computational and data analysis, 53(4), 2009, 1483-1494.
- Stopel, D., Boger, Z., Moskovitch, R., Shahr, Y., Elovici, Y., “Using Artificial Neural Networks to Detect Unknown Computer Worms”, Neural and Applications, 18(7), 2009, 663-674.
- Shbti, A., Moskovitch, R., Elovici, Y., Glezer, C., “Detection of malicious Code by Applying Machine Learning Classifiers on Static Features –A State-of-the-Art Survey”, information Security Technical Report, 14(1), 2009, 16-29.
- Moskovitch, R., Stopel, D., Feher, C., Nissim, N., Japkowicz, N., Elovici, Y., “Unknown Malcode Detection and the Imbalance Problem”, Journal in Computer Virology, 5(4), 2009, 295-308.
- Ben-Nun, A., Shapira, B., Elovici, Y., “A Decision Theoretic Approach to Combining information Filtering”, Online information Review, 33(5), 2009, 920-942.
- Dolev, S., Elovici, Y., Puzis, R., Zilberman, P., “Incremental Deployment of Network Monitors Based on Group Betweenness Centrality”, information Processing Letters, 109(20), 2009, 1172-1176.
- Menahem, E., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., “Troika – an Improved Sticking Scheme for Classification Tasks”, information Sciences, 179(24), 2009, 4097-4122.
- Shmueli, E., Visenberg, R., Elovici, Y. Glezer, C., “Database Encryption: An Overview of Contemporary Challenges and Design Considerations”, SIGMOD Record, 38(3), 2009, 29-34.
- Shabtai, A., Fledel, Y., Elovici, Y., Shahr, Y. “Using the KBTA Method for Inferring Computer and Network Security Alerts from Time-stamped, Raw System Metrics”, Journal in Computer Virology, 6(3), 2010, 239-259.
- Than, G., Glezer, C., Elovici, Y., Rokach, L., “Auto-Sign: An Automatic Signature Generator for High-Speed Malware Filtering Devices”, Journal in Computer Virology, 6(2), 2010, 91-103.
- Kisilevich, S., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., Shapira, B., “Efficient Multi-Dimensional Suppression for K-Anonymity”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and data Engineering, 22(3), 2010 334-347.
- Elovici, Y., Shapira, B., Last, M., Zafarny, O., Friedman, M., Schneider, M., Kandel, A., “Detection of Access to Terror-Related Web Sites Using An Advanced Terror Detection System (TDS)”, Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology (JSIST), 61(2), 2010, 405-418.
- Shabtai, A., Fledel, Y., Knonov, U., Elovici, Y., Dolev, S., Glezer, C., “Google and Android: A Comprehensive Security Assessment”, IEEE Security and Privacy, 8(2), 2010, 35-44.
- Shabtai, A., Fledel, Y., Elovici, Y., “Securing Android-Powered Mobile Devices Using SELinux”, IEEE Security and Privacy, 8(3), 2010, 36-44.
- Dolev, Y., Elovici, Y., Puzis, R., “Routing Betweenness Centrality”, Journal of the ACM (JCM), 57(4), 2010, 1-27.
- Shabtai, A., Knonov, U., Elovici, Y., “Intrusion Detection for Mobile Devices Using the Knowledge Based Temporal-Abstraction Method”, Journal of Systems and Software, 83(8), 2010, 1524-1537.
- Shabtai, A., Fledel, Y., Potchnik, D., Moskovitch, R., Elovici, Y. “Monitoring, Analysis and Filtering System for Purifying Network Traffic of Known and Unknown Malicious Content”, Security and Communication Networks, 4(8), 2011, 947-965.
- Shbti, A., Menahem, E., Elovici, Y., “F-Sign: Automatic, Function-based Signature Generation for Malware”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Mn, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 41(4), 2011, 494–508.
- Dolev, S., Elovici, Y., Kesselman, A., Zilberman, P., “Trawling Traffic Under Attack Overcoming DDoS Attacks by Target-Controlled Traffic Filtering”, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 22(5), 2011, 1073–1098.
- Shirtz, D., Elovici, Y., “Optimizing Investment Decisions in information Security Remedies”, information Management & Computer Security, 19(2), 2011, 95–112.
- Puzis, R., Tubi, M., Elovici, Y., Glezer, C., Dolev, S., “A Decision Support System for Optimizing the Deployment of Distributed Network Intrusion Detection Systems (DNIDS) in Large-Scale Networks”, Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 22(1), 2011.
- Altshuler, Y., Ahrony, N., Elovici, Y., Pentland, A., Cebrin, M., “Stealing Reality: When Criminals Become data Scientists (or Vice Versa)”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26(6), 2011, 22-30.
- Shabtai, A., Shahar, Y., Elovici, Y., “A Distributed Architecture for Efficient Parallelization and Computation of Knowledge-Based Obstructions”, Intelligent information Systems, 39(1), 2012, 249-286.
- Shabtai, A., Wiess, Y., Knonov, U., Elovici, Y., Glezer, C., “Andromly”:An Anomaly Detection Framework for Android Devices”, Journal of Intelligent information Systems, 38(1), 2012, 161-190.
- Harel, A., Shabtai, A., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., “M-score: A Misuseability Weight Me sure”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 9(3), 2012, 414-428.
- Shabtai, A., Moskovitch, R., Feher, C., Dolev, S., Elovici, Y., “Detecting Unknown malicious Code by Applying Classification Techniques on OPCODEs Patterns”, Security Informatics, 1(1), 2012, 1-22, Springer New Journal.
- Feher, C., Elovici, Y., Moskovitch, R., Rokach, L., Schaclar, A., “User Identity Verification via Mouse Dynamics”, information Sciences, 201, 2012, 19–36,.
- Moskovitch, R., Nissim, N., Englert, R., Elovici, Y., Rokach, L., “Detecting Unknown Computer Worm Activity via Support Vector Machines and Active Learning”, Pattern analysis Applications, 15(4), 2012, 459-475.
- Schaclar, A., Rokach, L., Abramson, A ., Elovici, Y., “User Authentication Based on Representative Users”, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Mn, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews.
- Weiss, Y., Elovici, Y., Rokach, L., “The CSH Algorithm-Cost-Sensitive Attribute Selection using Histograms”, information Sciences, 222, 2013, 247-268.
- Zilberman, P., Katz, G., Elovici, Y., Shabtai, A., Dolev, S. “Analyzing Group Emails Exchange for Detecting data Leakage”, Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology (JSIST), 64(9), 2013, 1780-1790.
- ltshuler, Y., Fire, M., Shmueli, E., Elovici, Y., Bruckstein, A., Pentland, A., Alzer, D., “The Social Amplifier – Reaction of Human Communities to Emergencies”, Journal of Statistical Physics, 152(3), 2013, 399-418.
- Puzis, R., Altshuler, Y., Elovici, Y., Bekhor, S., Shiftan, Y., Pentland, A., “Augmented Betweenness Centrality for Environmentally-Aware Traffic Monitoring in Transportation Networks”, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(1), 2013, 91-105.
- Shabtai,A ., Berkovich, M., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., “Optimizing data Misuse Detection”, Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in data, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from data, 8(3), 2013.
- Fire, M., Tenenboim-Chekin, L., Puzis, R., Lesser, O., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., “Computationally Efficient Link Prediction in Variety of Social Networks” Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (New ACM Transaction journal).
- Dror, M., Shabtai, A., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., “OCCT: A One-Class Clustering Tree for Implementing One-to-Many data Linkage”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and data Engineering, 26(3), 2014, 682-697.
- Katz, G., Elovici, Y., Shapira, B. “A New Model for data Leakage Prevention”, information Sciences, 262, 2014, 137-158.
- Shbti, A., Tenenboim-Chekin, L., Mimran, D., Rokach, L., Shapira, B., Elovici, Y., Mobile Malware Detection through analysis of Devotions application Network Behavior, Computers & Security, 43, 2014, 1-18.
- *Gafni, M., Shabtai, A ., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., “OCCT: A One-Class Clustering Tree for Implementing One-to-Many data Linkage”, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,.
- Shabtai, A., Tenenboim-Chekin, L., Mimran, D., Rokach, L., Shapira, B., Elovici, Y., Mobile Malware Detection through analysis of Deviations application Network Behavior, Accepted for publication in Computers & Security.
- Nissim, N., Rokach, L., Moskovich, R., Elovici, Y., “Efficient Active Learning Methods for Improving the Detection of Unknown PC Malware”,accepted for publication in Expert Systems with applications.
- Fire, M., Kagan, D., Elyashar, A., and Elovici, Y., “Friends or Foe? Fake Profile Identification in Online Social Networks”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Social Network analysis and Mining, 4(1), 2014.
- Shmueli, E., Visenberg, R., Gudes, E., Elovici, Y., “Implementing A database Encryption Solution, Design and Implementation Issues”, Accepted for publication in Computers and Security.
- Fire, M., Elovici, Y., Herzberg, A., Schulman, H., “Ethical Considerations when Employing Fake Identities in OSN for Research”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics.
- Puzis, R., Zilberman, P., Elovici, Y., Dolev, S., Brandes, U., “Topology Manipulations for Speeding Betweenness Centrality Computation”,Accepted for publication in Journal of Complex Networks.
- Fire, M., Goldschmidata, R., Elovici, Y., “Online Social Networks: Threats and Solutions”, accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials.
- Shirtz, D., Puzis, R., Elovici, Y., “A Particle Swarm Model for Estimating Reliability and Scheduling System Maintenance”, accepted for publication in Enterprise information Systems.
- Fire, M., Elovici, Y., “Data Mining of Online Genealogy datasets for Revealing Lifespan Patterns in Human Population”, accepted for publication in ACM TIST.
- Elyashar, A., Fire, M., Kagan, D., Elovici, Y., ” Guided Socialbot: Infiltrating A User’s Friends List”, accepted for publication in AI-Communications.
- Nissim, N., Cohen, A., Glazer, C., Elovici, Y., “Detection of APT attacks Initiated by malicious PDF Files attached to Emails: A State of the Art Survey”, accepted for publication in Computers and Security.
- Nissim, N., Moskovitch, R., Rokach L., Elovici, Y., “Novel active Learning Methods for Enhanced PC Malware Detection in Windows OS,” Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 41 (13) 5843–5857 (Oct. 2014).
- Mirsky, Y., Shabtai, A., Shapira, B., Elovici, Y., Rokach, L., “Anomaly Detection for Smartphone Data Streams”, Submitted to ACM Transactions on Internet Computing.
- Shabtai, A., Berkovitch, M., Rokach, L., Elovici, Y., Shmueli, E., Gal, K., “Behavioral Study of Users when Interacting with Active Honeytokens”, ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security.
- Nissim, N., Cohen, A., Moskovitch, R., Shabtai, A., Edry, M., Bar-Ad, O., Elovici, Y., “Catching up with the Creation of New Malicious PDF Files Using Active-Learning Based Detection Framework”, Security Informatics.
- Nissim, N., Boland, M.R., Tatonetti, N.P., Elovici, Y., Hripcsak, G., Shahar, Y., Moskovitch, R., “Improving Condition Severity Classification with an Efficient Active Learning Based Framework”, Submitted to Journal of Biomedical Informatics.
- Zilberman, P., Puzis, R., Elovici, Y., “On network footprint of cloud-based traffic inspection and filtering services”, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
- Guri, M., Monitz, M., Elovici, Y., “AirHopper: Bridging the Air Gap between Isolated Networks and Mobile Phones using Radio Frequencies”, Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.
- Peled O., Fire M., Rokach L., Elovici, Y., ” Matching Entities Across Online Social Networks”, Accepted for publication in Neurocomputing
- Mirski Y., Shabtai A., Shapira B., Rokach L., Elovici, Y., “Anomaly detection for smartphone data streams”, Pervasive and mobile Computing 35:83-107(2017)
- Iacovazzi, A, Elovici, Y., Network Flow Watermarking: A Survey, Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19(1) :512-530 (2017).
- Siboni S., Shabtai A., Tippenhauer Ole N., Lee J., Elovici, Y., “Advanced Security Testbed Framework for Wearable IoT devices” ACM trans. Internet Techn. 16(4):26:1-26:25 (2016)
- Nissim N., Cohen A., Moskovitch R., Shabtai A., Edri M., Bar-Ad O., Elovici, Y., “Keeping pace with the creation of new malicious PDF files using an active-learning based detection framework.” Security Informatics 5(1):1 (2016)
- Peled O., Fire M., Rokach L., Elovici, Y.,” Matching entities across online social networks.” Neurocomputing 210:91-106 (2016)
- Cohen A., Nissim N., Rokach L., Elovici, Y., ” SFEM: Structural feature Extraction methodology for the detection of malicious office documents using machine learning methods.” Expert Syst. Appl. 63:324-343 (2016)
- Puzis R., Shirtz D., Elovici, Y., “A particle swarm model for estimating reliability and scheduling system maintenance.” Enterprise IS 10(4):349-377 (2016)
- Nissim N., Cohen A., Elovici, Y., “ALDOCX: Detection of unknown Malicious Microsoft Office Documents Using Designated Active Learning Methods Based on New structural feature extraction Methodology.” IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and security 12(3): 631-646 (2017)
- Harel Y., Ben-Gal I., Elovici, Y., ” Cyber Security and the Role of Intelligent Systems in Addressing its Challenges” ACM TIST 8(4) 49:1-49:12 (2017)
- Guri M., Monitz M., Elovici, Y., “Bridging the Air Gap between Isolated Networks and Mobile Phones in a Practical Cyber-Attack” ACM TIST 8(4): 50:1-50:25 (2017)
- Zilberman P., Puzis R. Elovici, Y., “On Network Footprint of Traffic Inspection and Filtering at Global Scrubbing Centers” IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec .Comput. 14(5):521-534 (2017)
- Paradise A., Shabtai A., Puzis R.,Elyashar A., Elovici, Y., Roshandel M., Peylo C., “Creation and Management of Social Network Honeypots for Detecting Targeted Cyber Attacks” IEEE Trans. Comput. Social Systems 4 (3): 65-79 (2017)
- Nissim N., Yahalom R., Elovici, Y., “USB-based attacks” Computers & Security 70: 675-688 (2017)
- Nissim N., Shahar Y., Elovici, Y., Hirpcsak G., Moskovitch R., “Inter-labeler and intra-labeler variability of condition severity classification models using active and passive learning methods” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 81:12-32 (2017)
- Katzir Z., Elovici, Y., “quantifying the resilience of machine learning classifiers for cyber security” Expert syst. Appl. 92:419-429 (2018)
- Iacovazzi A., Sanat S., Frassinelli D., Elovici, Y., “DropWat:An invisible network flow watmark for data Exfiltration traceback.” IEEE Trans. Information forensics and security 13(5): 1139-1154 (2018)
- Kagan D., Elovici Y., Fire M., “Generic anomalous vertices detection utilizing a link prediction algorithm”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, 8(1), 2018, 27.
- Nissim N., Lapidot Y., Cohen A., Elovici Y., “Trusted system-calls analysis methodology aimed at detection of compromised virtual machines using sequential mining”, Knowledge Based Systems, 153, 2018, 147-175.
- Japkowicz N., Elovici Y., “Introduction to the Special Issue in Data mining for Cyber security”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 33(2), 2018, 3-4.
- Guri M., Elovici Y., “Bridgeware: the air-gap malware”, Communications of the ACM, 61(4), 2018, 74-82.
- Japkowicz N., Elovici Y., “Introduction to the Special Issue on Data Mining for Cybersecurity”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 33(2), 2018, 3-4.
- Cohen A., Nissim N., Elovici Y., “Novel set of general descriptive features for enhanced detection of malicious emails using machine learning methods” Expert Systems with Applications, 110, 2018, 143-169.
- Meidan Y., Bohadana M., Mathov Y., Mirsky Y., Shabtai A., Breitenbacher D., Elovici Y., “N-BaIoT – Network-Based Detection of IoT Botnet Attacks Using Deep Autoencoders”, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 17(3), 2018, 12-22.
- Shwartz O., Mathov Y., Bohadana M., Elovici Y., Oren Y., “Reverse Engineering IoT Devices: Effective Techniques and Methods”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(6), 2018, 4965-4976.
- Levy A., Nassi B., Elovici Y., Shmueli E., “Handwritten Signature Verification Using Wrist-Worn Devices”, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2(3), 2018, 119:1-119:26.
- Siboni S., Shabtai A., Elovici Y., “Ann attack scenario and mitigation mechanism for enterprise BYOD environments“, ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 18(2), 2018, 5-21.
- Yampolsky M., King W.E., Gatlin J., Belikovetsky S., Brown A., Skjellum A., Elovici Y., “Security of additive manufacturing: Attack taxonomy and survey“, Additive Manufacturing 21, 2018, 431-457.
- Teoh T.T., Nguwi Y.Y., Elovici Y., Ng W.L., Thiang S.Y., “Analyst intuition inspired neural network based cyber security anomaly detection“, International journal of innovative computing information and control, 14(1), 2018, 379-386.
- Siboni S., Sachidananda V., Meidan Y., Bohadana M., Mathov Y., Bhairav S., Shabtai A., Elovici Y., “Security Testbed for Internet of Things Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 68(1), 2019, 23-44.
- Belikovetsky S., Solewicz Y.A., Yamplosky M., Toh J., Elovici Y., “Digital Audio fot 3D Printing Integrity”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 14(5), 2019, 1127-1141.
- Nassi B., Shamir A., Elovici Y., “Xerox Day Vulnerability”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 14(5), 2019, 415-430.
- Nissim N., Cohen A., Wu J., Lanzi A., Rokach L., Elovici Y., Giles L., “Sec-Lib: Protecting Scholarly Digital Libraries From Infected Papers Using Active Machine Learning Framework”, IEEE Access journal, (7), 2019, 50-73.
- Nissim N., Lahav O., Cohen A., Rokach L., Elovici Y., “Volatile memory analysis using the MinHash method for efficient and secured detection of malware in private cloud”, Computers & Security (87), 2019, 101590.
- Yahalom R., Steren A., Nameri Y., Roytman M., Porgador A., Elovici Y., “Improving the effectiveness of intrusion detection systems for hierarchical data“, Knowledge-Based Systems (168), 2019, 59-69.
- Yahalom R., Barishev D., Steren A., Nameri Y., Roytman M., Porgador A., Elovici Y., “Datasets of RT spoofing attacks on MIL-STD-1553 communication traffic“, Data in brief (23), 2019, 103863.
- Homoliak I., Toffalini F., Guarnizo J., Elovici Y., Ochoa M., “Insight into insiders and it: A survey of insider threat taxonomies, analysis, modeling, and countermeasures“, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52(2), 2019, 1-40.
- Toubiana D., Puzis R., Wen L., Sikron N., Kurmanbayeva A., Soltabayeva A., Del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi M., Sade N., Fait A., Sagi M., Blumwald E., Elovici Y., ” Combined network analysis and machine learning allows the prediction of metabolic pathways from tomato metabolomics data“, Communications biology 2(1), 2019, 1-13.
- Gatlin J., Belikovetsky S., SB Moore SB., Solewicz Y., Elovici Y., Yampolskiy M., “Detecting Sabotage Attacks in Additive Manufacturing Using Actuator Power Signatures“, IEEE Access (7), 2019, 133421-133432.
- Chong P., Elovici Y., Binder A., “User Authentication Based on Mouse Dynamics Using Deep Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Study”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 2020, 1086-1101.
- Farhi N., Nissim N., Elovici Y., “Malboard: A novel user keystroke impersonation attack and trusted detection framework based on side-channel analysis“, Computers & Security (85), 2019, 240-269.
- Sidik B., Puzis R., Zilberman P., Elovici Y., “PALE: Time Bounded Practical Agile Leader Election”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (2), 2020, 470-485.
- Guri M., Zadov B., Elovici Y., “Odini: Escaping sensitive data from faraday-caged, air-gapped computers via magnetic fields“, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (15) 2020, 1190-1203.
- Or-Meir O., Nissim N., Elovici Y., Rokach L., “Dynamic malware analysis in the modern era—A state of the art survey”, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (5), 2019, 1-48.
- Ghosh N., Chandra S., Sachidananda V., Elovici Y., “SoftAuthZ: A Context-Aware, Behavior-Based Authorization Framework for Home IoT”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (6), 2019, 10773-10785.
- Sadek I., Chong P., Rehman SU., Elovici Y., Binder A., “Memory snapshot dataset of a compromised host with malware using obfuscation evasion techniques”, Data in brief 26, 2019, 104437.
- Guri M., Puzis R., Choo KKR., Rubinshtein S., Kedma G., Elovici Y., “Using malware for the greater good: Mitigating data leakage”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications 145, 2019, 102405.
- Guri M., Zadov B., Bykhovsky D., Elovici Y., “PowerHammer: Exfiltrating data from air-gapped computers through power lines”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2020, 1879 – 1890.
- Stan O., Cohen A., Elovici Y., Shabtai A., “Intrusion Detection System for the MIL-STD-1553 Communication Bus”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56(4), 2020, 3010-3027.
- Kalbo N., Mirsky Y., Shabtai A., Elovici Y., “The Security of IP-Based Video Surveillance Systems”, Sensors 20(17), 2020, 4806.
- Nissim N., Kintzlinger M., Cohen A., Ravacha M., Khalameizer V., Elovici Y., Shahar Y., Katz A., “CardiWall: A Trusted Firewall for the Detection of Malicious Clinical Programming of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices”, IEEE Access (8), 2020, 48123 – 48140.
- Nahmias D., Cohen A., Nissim N., Elovici Y., “Deep feature transfer learning for trusted and automated malware signature generation in private cloud environments”, Neural Networks (124), 2020, 243-257.
- Mirsky Y., Golmg T., Elovici Y., “Lightweight collaborative anomaly detection for the IoT using blockchain”, J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 145, 2020, 75-97.
- Guri M., Yosef A., Solewicz, Elovici Y., “Speaker-to-speaker covert ultrasonic communication”. J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 51, 2020, 102458.
- Meidan Y., Sachidananda Y., H. Peng., Sagron., Elovici Y., Shabtai A: “A novel approach for detecting vulnerable IoT devices connected behind a home NAT”. Comput. Secur. 97 ,2020, 101968.
- Guri M., Y.A. Solewicz., Elovici Y.,”Fansmitter: Acoustic data exfiltration from air-Gapped computers via fans noise”. Comput. Secur. 91, 2020, 101721.
- Kintzlinger M., Cohen A., Nissim N., Rav M Ach, V., Khalameizer, Elovici Y., Shahar Y., Katz A., “CardiWall: A Trusted Firewall for the Detection of Malicious Clinical Programming of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices”. IEEE Access 8, 2020, 48123-48140.
- Cohen A., Nissim N., Elovici Y “MalJPEG: Machine Learning Based Solution for the Detection of Malicious JPEG Images”. IEEE Access 8, 2020, 19997-20011.
- Katzir Z., Elovici Y “Gradients Cannot Be Tamed: Behind the Impossible Paradox of Blocking Targeted Adversarial Attacks”. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst. 32(1): 128-138 (2021)
- Ben-Netanel R., Nassi B., Shamir A., Elovici Y., “Detecting Spying Drones. IEEE Secur”. Priv. 19(1): 65-73 (2021).
- Amit G., Shabtai A., Elovici Y., “A Self-Healing Mechanism for Internet of Things Devices”. IEEE Secur. Priv. 19(1): 44-53 (2021).
- Rosenberg I., Shabtai A., Elovici Y., Rokach L.,” Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks and Defense Methods in the Cyber Security Domain. ACM Comput”. Surv. 54(5): 108:1-108:36 (2021).
- Chong P., NM., Elovici Y., Binder A.”Toward Scalable and Unified Example-Based Explanation and Outlier Detection. IEEE Trans”. Image Process. 31: 525-540 (2022).
- Mahler T, Shalom E., Elovici Y., Shahar Y,. “A dual-layer context-based architecture for the detection of anomalous instructions sent to medical devices”. Artif. Intell. Medicine 123: 102229 (2022).