An SMDP approach to optimal PHY configuration in wireless networks

Mark Shifrin ; Daniel S. Menasché ; Asaf Cohen ; Omer Gurewitz ; Dennis Goeckel 2017 13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), Jackson, WY, USA Link to document In this work, we study the optimal configuration of the physical layer in wireless networks by means of Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP) […]

Strong secrecy for cooperative broadcast channels

In collaboration with Princeton University Z. Goldfeld, G. Kramer, H. H. Permuter and P. Cuff IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 469-495, January 2017, and International Zurich Seminar on Communications Link to document A broadcast channel (BC) where the decoders cooperate via a one-sided link is considered. One common and two […]

Individually-Secure Multi-Source Multicast

A. Cohen, A. Cohen, M. Medard and O. Gurewitz 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Link to document The principal mission of Multi-Source Multicast (MSM) is to disseminate all messages from all sources in a network to all destinations. MSM is utilized in numerous applications. In many of them, securing the messages disseminated […]

WEM: A New Family of White-Box Block Ciphers Based on the Even-Mansour Construction.

Jihoon Cho, Kyu Young Choi, Itai Dinur, Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, Dukjae Moon, Aviya Veidberg CT-RSA 2017: Topics in Cryptology – CT-RSA 2017 pp 293-308 Link to document White-box cryptosystems aim at providing security against an adversary that has access to the encryption process. As a countermeasure against code lifting (in which the adversary simply […]

Arbitrarily varying wiretap channels with type constrained states

Z. Goldfeld, P. Cuff, and H. H. Permuter In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop on Physical Layer Security, Washington DC, WA, USA, December 2016, and in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 7216-7244, December 2016. Link to document —The arbitrarily varying wiretap channel (AVWTC) is an open problem largely […]

An optical covert-channel to leak data through an air-gap

Mordechai Guri, Ofer Hasson, Gabi Kedma, Yuval Elovici Conference: 2016 14th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) Link to document In recent years, various out-of-band covert channels have been proposed that demonstrate the feasibility of leaking data out of computers without the need for network connectivity. The methods proposed have been based on […]

An optical covert-channel to leak data through an air-gap

Mordechai Guri, Ofer Hasson, Gabi Kedma, Yuval Elovici Conference: 2016 14th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) Link to document In recent years, various out-of-band covert channels have been proposed that demonstrate the feasibility ofleaking data out of computers without the need for network connectivity. The methods proposed have been based on differenttype […]

USBee: Air-gap covert-channel via electromagnetic emission from USB

Mordechai Guri, Matan Monitz, Yuval Elovici 2016 14th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) Link to document In recent years researchers have demonstrated how attackers could use USB connectors implanted with RF transmitters to exfiltrate data from secure, and even air-gapped, computers (e.g., COTTONMOUTH in the leaked NSA ANT catalog). Such methods require […]

ALDOCX: Detection of Unknown Malicious Microsoft Office Documents Using Designated Active Learning Methods Based on New Structural Feature Extraction Methodology

Nir Nissim ; Aviad Cohen ; Yuval Elovici IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ( Volume: 12, Issue: 3, March 2017 ) Page(s): 631 – 646 Link to document Attackers increasingly take advantage of innocent users who tend to casually open email messages assumed to be benign, carrying malicious documents. Recent targeted attacks aimed […]

Wiretap channel with random states non-causally available at the encoder

In collaboration with Princeton University Z. Goldfeld, P. Cuff, and H. H. Permuter In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineers (ICSEE-2016), Eilat, Israel, November 2016 Link to document We study the state-dependent (SD) wiretap channel (WTC) with non-causal channel state information (CSI) at the encoder. This model subsumes […]

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