Call for Nominations

The Strage Foundation and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev invite eligible candidates to submit nomination for the Strage-BGU Award for Excellence in Cyber Security Research. The award, of $5,000, will be granted to a scientist for outstanding and influential scientific achievements in cyber security research. The list of achievements should include papers published in the year 2017 in leading journals, conferences, as well as books, patents and any other significant scientific achievement. Special emphasis will be given to the potential of the nominee’s scientific work to make a long-term impact in the cyber security research and practice. The Award winner will be required to make a presentation summarizing his/her major findings at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s main campus in Beer-Sheva on the day of the Award receiving ceremony.  


Israeli scientists, from all universities and colleges, as well as from governmental, non-governmental or private research institutions in Israel are eligible to receive the Award. Non-Israeli scientists who are permanently employed in Israel are also eligible. Israeli scientists on sabbatical or international activities are eligible for receiving the Award, as long as they hold an official position in an Israeli university / college / governmental institute at the time of Award-processing period.  


The Award Committee will choose the winning scientist according to the following criteria: (1) the paper’s ISI and Google Scholar citations and similar indices, (2) recommendations by leading scientists in the paper’s scientific discipline, and (3) the paper’s quality, as assessed by the award committee’s in-depth reading.  

Time Table

Candidates must send their nomination form by February 11, 2018. The Award winner will be announced by March 11, 2018.   Nomination form (in PDF) should be sent to:
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