Semantic-security capacity for wiretap channels of type II

In collaboration with Princeton University Z. Goldfeld, P. Cuff and H. H. Permuter IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 3863-3879, July 2016 Link to document The secrecy capacity of the type II wiretap channel (WTC II) with a noisy main channel is currently an open problem. Herein its secrecy-capacity is derived […]

Semantic-Security Capacity for the Physical Layer via Information Theory

In collaboration with Princeton University Z. Goldfeld, P. Cuff and H. H. Permuter In Proceedings of the IEEE CS International Conference on Software Science, Technology, and Engineering (SwSTE-2016), Beer-Sheva, Israel, June 2016 Link to document Physical layer security can ensure secure communication over noisy channels in the presence of an eavesdropper with unlimited computational power. […]

pcstream: A stream clustering algorithm for dynamically detecting and managing temporal contexts

In collaboration with Ministry of Science and Technology Y Mirsky, B Shapira, L Rokach, Y Elovici Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 119-133, 2015 Link to document The clustering of unbounded data-streams is a difficult problem since the observed instances cannot be stored for future clustering decisions. Moreover, the probability distribution of streams […]

JoKER: Trusted Detection of Kernel Rootkits in Android Devices via JTAG Interface

In collaboration with M Guri, Y Poliak, B Shapira, Y Elovici Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, 2015 IEEE 1, 65-73 Link to document Smartphones and tablets have become primetargets for malware, due to the valuable private and corporateinformation they hold. While Anti-Virus (AV) program maysuccessfully detect malicious applications (apps), they remainineffective against low-level rootkits that evade detectionmechanisms by masking […]

Unknown malware detection using network traffic classification

In collaboration with Ministry of Economy under the Magnet Program D Bekerman, B Shapira, L Rokach, A Bar Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 IEEE Conference on, 134-142 Link to document We present an end-to-end supervised based systemfor detecting malware by analyzing network traffic. Theproposed method extracts 972 behavioral features acrossdifferent protocols and network layers, […]

Cooperative broadcast channels with a secret message

In collaboration with Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen Z. Goldfeld, G. Kramer and H. H. Permuter In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-2015), Hong-Kong, June 2015 Link to document The broadcast channel (BC) with one confidential message and where the decoders cooperate via a one-sided link is considered. A pair of messages […]

CAESAR-ALE: An Active Learning Enhancement for Conditions Severity Classification

Nir Nissim, Mary Regina Boland, Robert Moskovitch, Nicholas Tatonetti, Yuval Elovici, Yuval Shahar, George Hripcsak Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe AIME 2015: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine pp 13-24 Link to document Understanding condition severity, as extracted from Electronic Health Records (EHRs), is important for many public health purposes. Methods requiring physicians to […]

Mobile malware detection through analysis of deviations in application network behavior

In collaboration with Telekom Innovation Laboratories A Shabtai, L Tenenboim-Chekina, D Mimran, L Rokach, B Shapira Computers & Security 43, 2014, 1-18 Link to document In this paper we present a new behavior-based anomaly detection system for detecting meaningful deviations in a mobile application’s network behavior. The main goal of the proposed system is to […]

Poster: Misuseablity Analysis for IT Infrastructure

Shabtai, A., Elovici, Y. Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2014 Link to document Today, organizations have limited resources available to allocate to the detection of complex cyber-attacks. In order to optimize their resource allocation, organizations must conduct a thorough risk analysis process so as to focus their efforts and resources on the protection of […]

OSPF vulnerability to persistent poisoning attacks: a systematic analysis

Nakibly, G., Sosnovich, A., Menahem, E., Waizel, A., Elovici, Y. ACSAC ’14 Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference Pages 336-345 Link to document Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is one of the most widely deployed interior gateway routing protocols on the Internet. The most common attack vector against OSPF is spoofing of […]

Cryptanalysis of Iterated Even-Mansour Schemes with Two Keys

Itai Dinur, Orr Dunkelman, Nathan Keller, Adi Shamir International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security ASIACRYPT 2014: Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2014 pp 439-457 Link to document The iterated Even-Mansour (EM) scheme is a generalization of the original 1-round construction proposed in 1991, and can use one key, two […]

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