Anomaly detection over independent processes: switching with memor

Kobi Cohen and Qing Zhao 2014 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) Link to document The problem of sequential detection of anomalous processes among K independent processes is considered. At each time, only a subset of the processes can be observed, and the observations from each chosen process follow two different […]

Limiting access to unintentionally leaked sensitive documents using malware signatures

Z. Goldfeld, P. Cuff and H. H. Permuter SACMAT ’14 Proceedings of the 19th ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies Pages 129-140 Link to document Organizations are repeatedly embarrassed when their sensitive digital documents go public or fall into the hands of adversaries, often as a result of unintentional or inadvertent leakage. Such […]

CoBAn: A context based model for data leakage prevention

In collaboration with Telekom Innovation Laboratories G Katz, Y Elovici, B Shapira Information sciences 262, 137-158, 2014 Link to document A new context-based model (CoBAn) for accidental and intentional data leakage prevention (DLP) is proposed. Existing methods attempt to prevent data leakage by either looking for specific keywords and phrases or by using various statistical […]

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