Emergency Vehicle Lights Can Screw Up a Car’s Automated Driving System

Newly published research finds that the flashing lights on police cruisers and ambulances can cause “digital epileptic seizures” in image-based automated driving systems, potentially risking wrecks. Carmakers say their increasingly sophisticated automated driving systems make driving safer and less stressful by leaving some of the hard work of knowing when a crash is about to […]
Hackers can read private AI-assistant chats even though they’re encrypted

All non-Google chat GPTs affected by side channel that leaks responses sent to users. AI assistants have been widely available for a little more than a year, and they already have access to our most private thoughts and business secrets. People ask them about becoming pregnant or terminating or preventing pregnancy, consult them when considering […]
Ingenious Hackers Used iPhone 13 To Steal Samsung Galaxy Crypto Key—Here’s How To Stop Them

There’s an old joke that asks, “how many hackers does it take to change a light bulb?” The correct answer is none as nobody knew the light bulb had even been changed. Joking aside, what if a hacker could use a bulb as part of an exploit? I’m not talking about spying on you using a light bulb, […]
Hackers can steal cryptographic keys by video-recording power LEDs 60 feet away

Key-leaking side channels are a fact of life. Now they can be done by video-recording power LEDs. Enlarge / Left: a smart card reader processing the encryption key of an inserted smart card. Right: a surveillance camera video records the reader’s power LED from 60 feet away. Researchers have devised a novel attack that recovers the secret […]
COVID-bit: New COVert Channel to Exfiltrate Data from Air-Gapped Computers

An unconventional data exfiltration method leverages a previously undocumented covert channel to leak sensitive information from air-gapped systems. “The information emanates from the air-gapped computer over the air to a distance of 2 m and more and can be picked up by a nearby insider or spy with a mobile phone or laptop,” Dr. Mordechai Guri, […]
ETHERLED: Air-gapped systems leak data via network card LEDs

Israeli researcher Mordechai Guri has discovered a new method to exfiltrate data from air-gapped systems using the LED indicators on network cards. Dubbed ‘ETHERLED’, the method turns the blinking lights into Morse code signals that can be decoded by an attacker. Capturing the signals requires a camera with a direct line of sight to LED lights […]
New Air-Gap Attack Uses SATA Cable as an Antenna to Transfer Radio Signals

A new method devised to leak information and jump over air-gaps takes advantage of Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) or Serial ATA cables as a communication medium, adding to a long list of electromagnetic, magnetic, electric, optical, and acoustic methods already demonstrated to plunder data. “Although air-gap computers have no wireless connectivity, we show that attackers can […]
Researchers defeat facial recognition systems with universal face mask

Can attackers create a face mask that would defeat modern facial recognition (FR) systems? A group of researchers from from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Tel Aviv University have proven that it can be done. “We validated our adversarial mask’s effectiveness in real-world experiments (CCTV use case) by printing the adversarial pattern on a […]
An Optical Spy Trick Can Turn Any Shiny Object Into a Bug

Anything from a metallic Rubik’s cube to an aluminum trash can inside a room could give away your private conversations. THE MOST PARANOID among us already know the checklist to avoid modern audio eavesdropping: Sweep your home or office for bugs. Put your phone in a Faraday bag—or a fridge. Consider even stripping internal microphones from your devices. Now one […]

Good news, everyone! Security researcher [Mordechai Guri] has given us yet another reason to look askance at our computers and wonder who might be sniffing in our private doings. This time, your suspicious gaze will settle on the lowly Ethernet cable, which he has used to exfiltrate data across an air gap. The exploit requires almost […]
Researchers Defeated Advanced Facial Recognition Tech Using Makeup

A new study used digitally and physically applied makeup to test the limits of state-of-the-art facial recognition software. Researchers have found a new and surprisingly simple method for bypassing facial recognition software using makeup patterns. A new study from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev found that software-generated makeup patterns can be used to consistently bypass state-of-the-art facial […]
New “Glowworm attack” recovers audio from devices’ power LEDs

A new class of passive TEMPEST attack converts LED output into intelligible audio. Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have demonstrated a novel way to spy on electronic conversations. A new paper released today outlines a novel passive form of the TEMPEST attack called Glowworm, which converts minute fluctuations in the intensity of power LEDs on speakers and […]