A Clever Radio Trick Can Tell If A Drone Is Watching You

AS FLYING, CAMERA-WIELDING machines get ever cheaper and more ubiquitous, inventors of anti-drone technologies are marketing every possible idea for protection from hovering eyes in the sky: Drone-spotting radar. Drone-snagging shotgun shells. Anti-drone lasers, falcons, even drone-downing drones. Now one group of Israeli researchers has developed a new technique for that drone-control arsenal—one that can not only detect that […]

You might want to think twice before getting your phone screen repaired

If you crack your phone screen and take it to a high-street phone repair shop, there’s a chance that hackers may be able to access your information. Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev found cyber criminals are able to connect malicious chips to new screens on a Huawei Nexus 6P smartphone and an LG […]

xLED Malware Steals Data Using Router LEDs

Data is converted into a binary format and transmitted by flashing the LED activity lights while a nearby camera records their output. Malware comes in many forms, but the xLED malware is one of the most bizarre (and novel) forms of malicious software I’ve ever heard about. It is capable of infecting a router or switch and […]

Watch Hackers Use a Drone-Mounted Laser to Control Malware Through a Scanner

Researchers in Israel have shown off a novel technique that would allow attackers to wirelessly command devices using a laser light, bypassing so-called air gaps.   When hackers infect computers with malware, they generally communicate with their code over the internet via a command-and-control server. But firewalls and intrusion detection systems can block communication going […]

BGU Researchers Have Developed a Platform to Protect Users from Cyber-Attacks Launched Through Videos or Pictures

As WikiLeaks allegedly revealed thousands of pages about US Intelligence agencies’ cyber-espionage capabilities, and as hackers continue to broaden their avenues of attack, one of the vulnerabilities revealed was smart TVs. However, Prof. Ofer Hadar (pictured left), Chair of BGU’s Department of Communication Systems Engineering warns that the threat is actually much greater. “Any video or picture downloaded or […]

Cameras can Steal Data from Computer Hard Drive LED Lights

Researchers at BGU’s Cyber Security Research Center have demonstrated that data can be stolen from an isolated “air-gapped” computer’s hard drive reading the pulses of light on the LED drive using various types of cameras and light sensors. In the new paper, the researchers demonstrated how data can be received by a Quadcopter drone flight, even outside […]

Malware Lets a Drone Steal Data by Watching a Computer’s Blinking LED

A FEW HOURS after dark one evening earlier this month, a small quadcopter drone lifted off from the parking lot of Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, Israel. It soon trained its built-in camera on its target, a desktop computer’s tiny blinking light inside a third-floor office nearby. The pinpoint flickers, emitting from the LED hard drive indicator […]

Global entities come shopping for Israeli cybersecurity

At Tel Aviv confab, prime minister announces new National Center for Cyber Education to keep Israel’s young generations at the top of the cyber game. As computer devices and Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity continue to break new boundaries and create changes to our lifestyle, new cybersecurity technologies to defend our tech-savvy lives are crucial. […]

NTU Singapore and Ben-Gurion University Ink Partnership to Combat Advanced Cyber Threats

Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) are collaborating to find innovative ways to counter cyber threats. The aim of the joint research project, called the Bio-Inspired Agile Cyber Security Assurance Framework (BICSAF), is to develop innovative technologies for tackling Advanced Persistent Threats. These are stealthy and continuous computer hacking processes […]

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