First of its kind Cyber Cooperation Agreement signed between BGU and NTU

During the Cybertech Singapore conference, the Israeli Ben-Gurion University and the Singaporean Nanyang Technological University signed an extensive cooperation agreement which will focus on cyber issues The cooperation agreement was signed this week, during the Cybertech Singapore conference, in the presence of the president of Ben-Gurion University, Prof. Rivka Carmi, the heads of NTU, Israeli Minister of […]

Detecting a smartphone thief in 14 seconds

Researchers at Ben Gurion University of the Negev have developed a security model based on how users touch their device’s screen. Most people are confident that locking their smartphone with a password is protection enough, but past studies have proven that such passwords can be fairly easily broken since most people choose familiar passwords that […]

New Smartwatch Application for Accurate Signature Verification Developed by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Tel Aviv University Researchers

An innovative, new system that uses smartwatch devices and software to verify handwritten signatures and detect even the most skilled forgeries has been developed by BGU and TAU researchers. While most online signature verification technologies rely on dedicated digital devices — such as tablets or smart pens — to capture, analyze and verify signatures, this new […]

Fake or for real? An app exposes forgeries

Israeli researchers have developed a method for authenticating handwritten signatures using sensors in smartwatches and fitness trackers. American banks lose more than $600 million annually to check fraud. And about one-third of that crime involves forged signatures. But Israeli researchers have discovered a way to verify handwritten signatures with data from motion sensors in smartwatches […]

How smartphones could prevent drunk driving

Israeli researchers have developed a method that accurately gauges sobriety using smartphones, smartwatches, and fitness trackers. While the technology may push the bounds of digital privacy, it could also save lives. Could your smartphone help prevent drunk driving accidents? Could it determine if you’re too intoxicated to get behind the wheel? Does it actually know when you’re […]

New air-gap jumper covertly transmits data in hard-drive sounds

“DiskFiltration” siphons data even when computers are disconnected from the Internet. Researchers have devised a new way to siphon data out of an infected computer even when it has been physically disconnected from the Internet to prevent the leakage of sensitive information it stores. The method has been dubbed “DiskFiltration” by its creators because it […]

Great. Now Even Your Headphones Can Spy on You

CAUTIOUS COMPUTER USERS put a piece of tape over their webcam. Truly paranoid ones worry about their devices’ microphones—some even crack open their computers and phones to disable or remove those audio components so they can’t be hijacked by hackers. Now one group of Israeli researchers has taken that game of spy-versus-spy paranoia a step […]

Researchers sabotage 3D printer files to destroy a drone

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), the University of South Alabama, and Singapore University of Technology and Design have successfully injected malicious code into a computer which, in turn, added invisible commands to a file containing a 3D model of a drone propeller. When they printed the model and attached it to the […]

How America’s 911 emergency response system can be hacked

Critical to the success of the 911 emergency phone system, which has saved countless lives since it was first implemented in 1968, is its ability to quickly route calls to emergency responders closest to a caller. But a group of researchers say they’ve found a way to effectively disable the 911 emergency system across an […]

DiskFiltration: Data Exfiltration from Speakerless Air-Gapped Computers via Covert Hard Drive Noise

DiskFiltration: Data Exfiltration from Speakerless Air-Gapped Computers via Covert Hard Drive Noise. By Security Researcher Mordechai Guri and Yosef Solewicz, Andrey Daidakulov and Yuval Elovici Link: Air-gapped computers are disconnected from the Internet physically and logically. This measure is taken in order to prevent the leakage of sensitive data from secured networks. In the past, it has […]


Das winzige Israel ist ein Paradies für Hightech-Firmen. Dank einer einzigartigen Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft, Forschung, Staat und Militär. Es gibt Momente, da lässt sich leicht vergessen, dass Israel ein Hightech-Staat ist. Jerusalems schlechtere Viertel sind vermüllt und verstaubt wie ein Slum. Tel Aviv, die Start-up-Hauptstadt, hat es bis heute nicht geschafft, eine Straßenbahn zu bauen. […]

Fansmitter: Acoustic Data Exfiltration from (Speakerless) Air-Gapped Computers

Because computers may contain or interact with sensitive information, they are often air-gapped and in this way kept isolated and disconnected from the Internet. In recent years the ability of malware to communicate over an air-gap by transmitting sonic and ultrasonic signals from a computer speaker to a nearby receiver has been shown. In order […]

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