Clever Attack Uses the Sound of a Computer’s Fan to Steal Data

IN THE PAST two years a group of researchers in Israel has become highly adept at stealing data from air-gapped computers—those machines prized by hackers that, for security reasons, are never connected to the internet or connected to other machines that are connected to the internet, making it difficult to extract data from them. Mordechai […]

A Bug in Chrome Makes It Easy to Pirate Movies

FOR YEARS HOLLYWOOD has waged a war on piracy, using digital rights management technologies to fight bootleggers who illegally copy movies and distribute them. For just as long, hackers have found ways to bypass these protections. Now two security researchers have found a new way, using a vulnerability in the system Google uses to stream media […]

GSMem: Data Exfiltration from Air-Gapped Computers over GSM Frequencies

Air-gapped networks are isolated, separated both logically and physically from public networks. Although the feasibility of invading such systems has been demonstrated in recent years, exfiltration of data from air-gapped networks is still a challenging task. In this paper we present GSMem, a malware that can exfiltrate data through an air-gap over cellular frequencies. Rogue […]


Hackers and companies alike are increasingly able to discern identifying information about people, such as their gender, based on indirect data. Most people know, at this stage, that the little computer they carry around in their pocket tracks their location, taking note of their every move. Those concerned with their privacy might, for example, block […]

Israel’s desert city of Beersheba is turning into a cybertech oasis

Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion famously said that the future of Israel lies in the Negev, a desert located in southern Israel. Ben Gurion’s prophetic words ring true today as Beersheba, Israel’s southern capital, is morphing into a tech oasis. The military’s massive relocation of its prestigious technology units, the presence of multinational […]

Botnets Plague the Web. This AI Is Out to Stop Them

Israeli researchers say they’re the first to use machine learning to identify where botnets are located. Bot networks still wreak havoc online. Millions of hacks, spam operations and online fraud campaigns perpetrated by botnets in recent years have done serious damage to law-abiding internet users: In the U.S. alone, botnets have caused over $9 billion […]

Israel’s Cyber Sector Blooms in the Desert

A modern metropolis rising from Israel’s Negev desert stands on the frontline of a global war against hacking and cyber crime, fulfilling an ambition of the country’s founding father. David Ben Gurion famously said he wanted to make the Negev bloom. Today, in the streets of Beersheba, a city of 200,000, his dream is taking […]

Researchers Hack Air-Gapped Computer With Simple Cell Phone

The most sensitive work environments, like nuclear power plants, demand the strictest security. Usually this is achieved by air-gapping computers from the Internet and preventing workers from inserting USB sticks into computers. When the work is classified or involves sensitive trade secrets, companies often also institute strict rules against bringing smartphones into the workspace, as […]

Stealing Data From Computers Using Heat

AIR-GAPPED SYSTEMS, WHICH are isolated from the Internet and are not connected to other systems that are connected to the Internet, are used in situations that demand high security because they make siphoning data from them difficult. Air-gapped systems are used in classified military networks, the payment networks that process credit and debit card transactions for retailers, […]

BitWhisper: The Heat is on the Air-Gap

UPDATE 30 Mar 2015: A draft of the research paper is available for download here Researcher Mordechai Guri assisted by Matan Monitz and guided by Prof. Yuval Elovici, has uncovered a new method to breach air-gapped systems. Our last finding on air-gap security was published in August of 2014, using a method called Air-Hopper which utilizes FM waves for data exfiltration. […]

Commentary on Sony Hack

A Tectonic Shift in Superpowers or What Sony Hack Uncovered to Everyone Else –… Interview on Jerusalem Post Frontline About The Sony Hack and Israel –…

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