Can We Rely on an Air-Gap to Secure our Critical Systems?

Following our recent disclosure on how to breach air gap security with a simple mobile phone and RF emitted from the air-gapped computer we wanted to provide some overview on the topic. The following is a lecture by Prof. Yuval Elovici, the head of the cyber security research labs, on air gap security, latest threats and developments. […]

Mobile Malware Detection through Analysis of Deviations in Application Network Behavior

Recently an exciting research on the topic of malware detection based on mobile networking activities analysis has been accepted to the lucrative Computers & Security journal. The paper was written as part of a project sponsored by Telekom Innovation Labs which dealt with different Android security solutions. In simple words (though you’ll need to get […]

Titanium, a Brain-Child of the Cyber Security Research Center @ Ben-Gurion University Won 1 Million$ in JVP’s Cyber Competition on RSA Conf

JVP, Israel’s leading VC firm and the largest early-stage cyber-security investor in Israel, announced today that Titanium Core, an innovative startup that protects mission-critical infrastructure, has won JVP’s first ever “Cybertition” cyber-security startup competition. Titanium will receive a $1M Investment and a spot in JVP Cyber Labs incubator based in the growing cyber epicenter in Beer-Sheva. Read full press release

Pictures from Cybertech 2014

Here are some nice pictures from our booth at the Cybertech show: It was a great show and thanks for all the visitors whom paid a visit:) See you next year! Cyber Security Labs Team

VPN bypass vulnerability affects Android Jelly Bean and KitKat, researchers say

A vulnerability in Android allows malicious applications to bypass an active VPN (virtual private network) connection and force traffic from the device through an attacker-controlled system where it can be intercepted, according to security researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. Researchers from the university’s Cyber Security Labs initially reported Jan. 17 that […]

Android VPN redirect vuln now spotted lurking in Kitkat 4.4

Now may be a good time to check this out, says securo-bod Israeli researchers who specialise in ferreting out Android vulns have discovered a new flaw in KitKat 4.4 that allows an attacker to redirect secure VPN traffic to a third-party server. Late in 2013, the Ben Gurion University security researchers first discovered ways to […]

Active VPN Bypass on Android KitKat – Disclosure Report

Following our second vulnerability report where we demonstrated an active VPN bypass on Android Jelly Bean 4.3 we have decided to further investigate the existence of the vulnerability on Android KitKat 4.4. At first we could not reproduce it with the original vulnerability code since KitKat has a modified security implementation. Following an elaborate investigation we were able to reproduce […]

Our Professional and Humble Response to Samsung

Three weeks ago on the 23rd of December 2013, a story was published in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) regarding a vulnerability we uncovered on Samsung KNOX devices. We’ll begin with a little background about the vulnerability.  We found that a malicious app (without ROOT) running in the non-secure area of a KNOX based device (for example, […]

In an Unintended Way or The Morale Attacker

Recently Samsung published a statement about a vulnerability we uncovered and although we will respond on that later with more details, still one sentence captured my curiousity and that is: “… the exploit uses legitimate Android network functions in an unintended way to intercept …”. It seems like someone is applying moral judgement to the way the exploit works. It […]

VPN Related Vulnerability Discovered on an Android device – Disclosure Report

As part of our ongoing mobile security research we have uncovered a network vulnerability on Android devices which has serious implications for users using VPN. This vulnerability enables malicious apps  to bypass active VPN configuration (no ROOT permissions required) and redirect secure data communications to a different network address. These communications are captured in CLEAR […]

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