Advanced security testbed framework for wearable IoT devices

In collaboration with Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore (SUTD) + Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Daegu, South Korea (DGIST)

Siboni, S., Shabtai, A., Tippenhauer, N.O., Lee, J. and Elovici, Y.

ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 16(4), p.26 (2016)

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Analyzing the security of Wearable Internet-of-Things (WIoT) devices is considered a complex task due totheir heterogeneous nature. In addition, there is currently no mechanism that performs security testingfor WIoT devices in different contexts. In this article, we propose an innovative security testbed frameworktargeted at wearable devices, where a set of security tests are conducted, and a dynamic analysis is performedby realistically simulating environmental conditions in which WIoT devices operate. The architectural designof the proposed testbed and a proof-of-concept, demonstrating a preliminary analysis and the detection ofcontext-based attacks executed by smartwatch devices, are presented.

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