Crowdsourced Data Integrity Verification for Key-Value Stores in the Cloud

In collaboration with Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, The Open University, Raanana, Israel

Grisha Weintraub, Ehud Gudes

CCGrid 2017: 498-503

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Abstract—Thanks to their high availability, scalability, andusability, cloud databases have become one of the dominantcloud services. However, since cloud users do not physicallypossess their data, data integrity may be at risk. In thispaper, we present a novel protocol that utilizes crowdsourcingparadigm to provide practical data integrity assurance in keyvaluecloud databases. The main advantage of our protocolover previous work is its high applicability – as opposed toexisting approaches, our scheme does not require any systemchanges on the cloud side and thus can be applied directlyto any existing system. We demonstrate the feasibility of ourscheme by a prototype implementation and its evaluation.

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