Welcome To The Blog of The Cyber Security Labs of Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel

Welcome to our new shiny blog! The cyber security labs of Ben Gurion university is located in Beer Sheva, the capital of the Negev which is the southern part of Israel and it was founded three months ago. Just to be clear, starting 3 months ago does not mean we are newbies. We are a large team of security researchers and industry experts with tens of years of experience in the field of security in general, mobile security and cyber security. We work with a variety of organizations and companies, most of them listed on our partners page.

At the labs we actively investigate the topics of:

Mobile Security

Here we do two things: evaluate existing security products and technologies related to wireless/cellular networks, mobile devices, mobile operating systems (lot’s of Android), new mobile security tools and mobile security paradigms and product architectures. The second part which is no less interesting is our involvement in defining new architectures and security solutions in the mobile field. Security on mobile is becoming ever more important thanks to the simple fact that everyone do more and more things on our their mobile. The convenience of mobile does not come without a price tag and that is a higher risk to our private and sensitive information which is being stored and transmited from and to our mobile devices. The field of mobile security both from an industry evolution perspective as well as from the research side of it is still fresh and evolving rapidly and there’s a lot of opportunity to contribute. Our main goal is evolving the state of the industry and research in this area aiming eventually to increase users’ trust and confidence in their mobile devices.

Cellular/Network Security

In this area we investigate topics such how to detect attacks within networks, whether enterprise or cellular networks. How social networks can be used for penetrating organizations, how underlying network protocols can be abused for malicious purposes and more ideas and cool topics which “live” on the network. Network security is an established topic with many aspects and wide range of discoveries made by many parties. Our focus is more narrowed down and focuses mostly on cyber crime, vulnerabilities and attacks which can be detected and blocked via the network.

Big Data Security

Here we cover the topics of how to deduce security threats using big data analytics.

Threats & Vulnerabilities

In this topic we cover botnets, malware and other attacks originating from within the organization. The topic covers both finding vulnerabilities, indentifying attacks as well as creating countermeasures and quarantine for compromised areas. Under this topic we also include advanced simulation tools for simulating malware propagation and rolling network attacks.

Counter Intelligence

We actively build tools and techniques used for collecting meaningful counter intelligence based on publicly available sources such as the www and social networks.

These are the general topics we cover but I have to admit that we do even more than that due to the rapidly evolving nature of cyber security while the main goal eventually is always evolving security, increasing privacy and protecting what is important to us.

In this blog we will write up everything that may interest the world related to our work iincluding less formal topics such as snapshots from the life of a security researcher as well as more serious things such as disclosure of discoveries.

So stay tuned and thank you for visiting us!

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