Academics steal data from air-gapped systems via a keyboard’s LEDs

CTRL-ALT-LED technique can exfiltrate data from air-gapped systems using Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock LEDs. The Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock LEDs on a keyboard can be used to exfiltrate data from a secure air-gapped system, academics from an Israeli university have proved. The attack, which they named CTRL-ALT-LED, is nothing […]

Signs from above: Drone with projector successfully trolls car AI

If the cars and the drones ever band together against us, we’re in trouble. After a recent demo using GNSS spoofing confused a Tesla, a researcher from Cyber@BGU reached out about an alternative bit of car tech foolery. The Cyber@GBU team recently demonstrated an exploit against a Mobileye 630 PRO Advanced Driver Assist System (ADAS) installed on a Renault Captur, and […]

New computer attack mimics user’s keystroke characteristics and evades detection

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) cyber security researchers have developed a new attack called Malboard. Malboard evades several detection products that are intended to continuously verify the user’s identity based on personalized keystroke characteristics. The new paper, “Malboard: A Novel User Keystroke Impersonation Attack and Trusted Detection Framework Based on Side-Channel Analysis,” published in […]

Should cyber-security be more chameleon, less rhino?

Billions are being lost to cyber-crime each year, and the problem seems to be getting worse. So could we ever create unhackable computers beyond the reach of criminals and spies? Israeli researchers are coming up with some interesting solutions. The key to stopping the hackers, explains Neatsun Ziv, vice president of cyber-security products at Tel […]

Computer virus alters cancer scan images

A computer virus that can add fake tumours to medical scan images has been created by cyber-security researchers. In laboratory tests, the malware altered 70 images and managed to fool three radiologists into believing patients had cancer. The altered images also managed to trick automated screening systems. The team from Israel developed the malicious software to […]

Researchers warn open sky drone policy poses cybercriminal risk

Left unchecked, our drones may pose significant risks to our privacy and security. Drones flying over populated areas, unchecked, represent a real threat to our privacy, researchers have warned. On Wednesday, academics from Israel’s Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Fujitsu System Integration Laboratories revealed the results of a new study which examined over […]

Deutsche Firmen holen sich Hilfe für Cybersicherheit im Land der ständigen Alarmbereitschaft

Bösartige Kühlschränke, entführte Autos, manipulierte Algorithmen – Schutz gegen Attacken aus dem Netz ist für Staaten wie Israel überlebenswichtig. Be’er Sheva/Tel AvivHinter „Golden Cup“ lauerte die Gefahr: Die Smartphone-App zur Fußball-WM in Russland sollte Live-Berichterstattung liefern. Doch sie nahm auch Telefonate auf, stahl Kontaktdaten und lieferte mittels GPS einen genauen Standort des Nutzers. Die Adressaten: israelische Soldaten. […]

מעבדות תשע”ח: 7 תגליות מהאוניברסיטאות הגדולות בארץ

מניבוי סיכויי ההצלחה של טיפול בסרטן ועד הוכחת החשיבות של מגע אנושי. 7 חוקרים מהאוניברסיטאות הגדולות בארץ מספרים על התגליות שלהם 1. חוששים שרחפן מרגל אחריכם? יש דרך פשוטה לגלות את זה דוקטורנט מאוניברסיטת בן גוריון גילה כיצד היקף תעבורת המידע חושף את מטרות הרחפנים איך תדעו שצולמתם על ידי רחפן ואם הייתם המטרה שלו? מחקר חדש, שנעשה […]

Dojo by BullGuard and BGN Technologies Form Strategic Partnership to Develop Advanced IoT Security Technology

Dojo by BullGuard and Cyber@BGU, the Ben-Gurion Cyber Research Lab, Join Forces to Develop Advanced, Future IoT Security Technologies Together to Address the Rising Tide of IoT Cybercrime SAN FRANCISCO and BEER SHEVA, Israel, Aug. 21, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Dojo by BullGuard, a market leader in IoT security, and BGN Technologies, the technology transfer company of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) today […]

Slowdown Nation: Israel lags on internet speeds, choked by lack of competition

Israel slides to number 70 out of 200 nations surveyed on average download speed, as the duopoly that controls the market drags its feet on fiber optics   The Startup Nation has slow internet. In fact, not only is Israel’s internet speed slow, it is also increasing more slowly than other countries’. A lack of […]

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